Programs & Services
LIFE Skills
Learning Independence through Functional Education
Program Structure
- Self-contained setting with one teacher, one program para professional, and 1-1 para professionals as IEP dictates
- Classroom maximum of 8 students
- Programming offered from Kindergarten through Grade 23 (through 22nd birthday)
Programming for Students
- With moderate/ intensive educational needs, including multiple disabilities, autism, etc.
- With significant adaptive behavior deficits whose needs require intensive adult prompting and instruction
- Who may have significant barriers to functional communication
- Whose needs are best met in a self-contained LRE with smaller class sizes
- Who benefit from a community based instructional approach and functional curriculum aligned to Ohio Academic Learning Standards - Extended with significant modifications and accommodations
Specially Designed Programming of LIFE Skills
- Direct instruction of all content areas aligned to the academic learning standards-extended
- Community based instruction embedded throughout instructional units to directly generalize skills
- Systematic and direct instruction of social skills training, internet safety and technology
- Direct instruction in daily living skills, pre-vocational/ vocational skills, functional communication, and adaptive behavior skills
- Direct instruction of strategies/ methods to self-regulate behavior and daily routines
- Integration of school work experiences and community work experiences for students of transition age
- Participation with same age peers in school activities and/ or classes as appropriate
- Collaboration with an expanded IEP team to assist in transition for students who are appropriate for Penta Career Center and/ or the next steps in adult living
- Includes cost of related services as a component of overall programming

Students from Northwood, Lake, Genoa, Eastwood, and Rossford in the WCESC Life Skills Classroom at Northwood and Lake got together to present a Science Fair to each other.
Students learned about the scientific process conducting experiments at all grades levels from 1st-12th grade as they also gained experience presenting in front of a group of people.