Programs & Services
Prevention Programs
The Wood County Educational Service Center's school and community based Prevention Education Program uses evidence-based programs in the classroom. If you have any questions about our programs, please feel free to contact us.

(Beginning Alcohol Basic Education Studies)
BABES is a primary prevention program designed to help children in kindergarten through second grade develop positive life skills. The program uses several puppets to introduce factual, non-judgmental information about alcohol, drugs, decision-making and coping skills.

Class Action
Class Action looks at social and legal consequences involving teens and alcohol. Teens prepare and present hypothetical civil cases in which someone has been harmed as the result of underage drinking. Topics include drinking and driving, fetal alcohol syndrome, drinking and violence, date rape, drinking and vandalism, and school alcohol policies. For grades 9-12. Read the SAMHSA report about this program.
Empowerment Project
YEP serves youth by assisting them in developing crucial life skills needed to be successful. We assist youth with setting and achieving educational, employment, and career goals. A wide variety of services are available including credit recovery, individual training and counseling, employment and career workshops, and opportunities for real-life employment experiences with local employers in the community. For more information, click here.

Expect Respect
Expect Respect is a comprehensive prevention program designed to raise awareness of dating violence, teach skills for healthy relationships, develop youth leadership, and increase safety and respect on school campuses.
FASTRAC (Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Education)
FASTRAC is an education program offered to junior high and high school students to increase their knowledge of the risks and effects of alcohol consumption on a fetus during pregnancy.
Gambling Prevention
Help students learn that squares, scratch-off tickets, March Madness, and even apps on their phone and computers are forms of gambling. Help students understand the risks involved in gambling and delay the onset of wise gambling practices.
Grandparents Raising Grandchildren
G.R.G. meets in a casual and welcoming environment, offering education and support to grandparents who are raising grandchildren. Grandparents have the opportunity to meet other caregivers, develop a network of support, and receive information about resources and services available. For more information, click here.
Hooked on Fishing, Not On Drugs
"Hooked On Fishing, Not On Drugs" is a registered program of the Future Fisherman Foundation, which was started after a young man wrote a letter about how fishing had kept him from becoming involved with drugs. Research has shown that family recreational activities are a key protective factor for our youth. Youth in Wood County have been involved in the "Hooked On Fishing, Not On Drugs" program for many years. Youth receive in-class training as well as real life experience of going on a fishing outing with peers and family members that can attend.
Insight is a program for teens that are in some kind of trouble because of alcohol, marijuana or other drug use. Through interactive group meetings, teens look at their drug use, consider the consequences of their use, and make a decision about continued use. Participants learn how mood-altering substances affect their mental and physical health and the social consequences of their drug use. For grades 6-12.
Juvenile Detention Center lessons
We offer juvenile detention center programming covering the following 12 topics: Self-Concept; Values vs. Consequences of Risky Behaviors; Personal Harm Connected with Alcohol Use; Decision Making and Problem Solving; Communication and Assertiveness Skills; Personal Harm Connected with Binge Drinking; Anger Management and Conflict Resolution; Stress Management; Personal Harm Connected with Marijuana Use; Personal Responsibility; Goal Setting and Future Planning; Understanding Alcoholism and Drug Dependence; Stereotypes and Prejudice; and Cultural Diversity and Tolerance. General prevention programming extends during the summer to offer prevention through art and Teen Intervene.

keepin' it REAL
keepin’ it REAL (kiR) is a scientifically proven, effective substance use prevention and social and emotional competency enhancing program designed to focus on the competencies linked to preventing substance use and abuse. Featured as a cost-effective and powerful program by the U.S. Surgeon General in 2016, this program is based on the real stories of young adolescents and program videos serve to providing social modeling of effective strategies. Youth have opportunities to create their own media as part of the program. There are three versions of the program: multicultural, rural, and Spanish. The lessons are designed to promote interaction among the students as well as between the students and teachers, so that students are involved in their own learning. Students also learn how to assess risk, value their perceptions and feelings, and communicate effectively.
Lifelines is a program available for 5th-12th grade students that includes three levels of age-appropriate programming for the different developmental stages. Sessions focus on dispelling myths about suicide and mental health, how to help your friend with their mental health needs, and identifying trusted adults, as well as information about self-care and support systems.

The LifeSkills Training program is an interactive skills-based program designed to help adolescents navigate the challenges of high school years and prepare them for the independence and responsibilities that they will encounter as young adults. The program helps students achieve competency in the skills that have been found to reduce and prevent substance abuse and violence.

The New Cool
The New Cool is a media campaign designed to reach students and parents in schools and in the communities throughout Wood County. The message is simple and clear: There are many activities that you can do that do not involve alcohol. What's your cool?

Parent Project
This multi-week evening course is a parent training program designed for parents of adolescents who act out (those often referred to with the labels of oppositional defiant, or conduct disorder). Topics include reducing family conflict and arguing, improving school performance and attendance, identifying and intervening with alcohol and other drug abuse, interceding with negative peer associations (including inappropriate dating relationships up to and including gang involvement) and helping parents to set effective applicable limits.

PAX Good Behavior Game
The PAX Good Behavior Game teaches students self-regulation, self-control, and self-management in context of collaborating with others for peace, productivity, health and happiness. PAX is not a classroom management program, but it makes managing classrooms a breeze. PAX GBG is the combined science from PeaceBuilders, Good Behavior Game & other studies.
Problem ID and Referral
Students who are believed to struggle with alcohol, tobacco and other drug issues, and/or social-emotional issues can be referred to the district’s Prevention Education Specialist. The Prevention Education Specialist meets with students one-on-one to provide several educational sessions. If further intervention is needed, the student will be referred to counseling for treatment.

Red Ribbon
The Red Ribbon Campaign is a national campaign. During Red Ribbon Week, students wear their red badges proudly and have the courage to say no to drugs.
Safe Dates
The Safe Dates curriculum educates youth and adolescents on how to identify and prevent dating violence.

Teen Institute/Junior Teen Institute
The youth-led Teen Institute groups exist to train, mobilize and empower youth to prevent the illegal use of alcohol, tobacco, other drugs and other possible self-destructive behaviors in themselves and their peers. Throughout the year, we offer several events and activities for our Teen Institute members to learn and practice leadership roles, as well as participation at Ohio Teen Institute. Our main event of the year is attendance at the We Are the Majority Youth Rally in Columbus

Why Try
The Why Try Program builds resilience in the workplace, at school and at home. It combines a series of ten visual analogies with multimedia and physical activities to teach students social and emotional skills. The program helps youth of every learning type deal with life's daily pressures.
Youth Mental Health First Aid
Youth Mental Health First Aid is designed to teach parents, family members, caregivers, teachers, school staff, peers, neighbors, health and human services workers, and other caring citizens how to help an adolescent (age 12-18) who is experiencing a mental health or addictions challenge or is in crisis. Youth Mental Health First Aid is primarily designed for adults who regularly interact with young people. The course introduces common mental health challenges for youth, reviews typical adolescent development, and teaches a 5-step action plan for how to help young people in both crisis and non-crisis situations. Topics covered include anxiety, depression, substance use, disorders in which psychosis may occur, disruptive behavior disorders (including AD/HD), and eating disorders.
Other programs:
- Compliance Checks
- We work with local law enforcement to make sure local businesses are following laws regarding underage sales.
- Community Engagement Meetings
- These meetings include dialogue nights, public speakers, awareness walks, panel discussions and many other formats. These events are designed to educate, discuss, and explore potential solutions to a variety of issues facing students and residents.