Programs & Services
Kinship Support Groups
Kinship Support Groups meet in a casual and welcoming environment, offering education and support to grandparents who are raising grandchildren. Grandparents have the opportunity to meet other caregivers, develop a network of support, and receive information about resources and services available.
Meetings are currently held on various Tuesdays (see schedule below) at Lake Elementary in Millbury, Rossford Elementary, and Crim Elementary in Bowling Green. Free dinner and child care are provided. RSVP's are requested in advance to plan for dinner and childcare workers, but are not required for attendance.
For additional information, please contact:
Sarah Nidiffer
419-354-9010 ext.136

2024-2025 Meeting Schedule
Lake Elementary Bowling Green @ Kenwood Elementary
Gymnasium Cafeteria
5:30-7:00 pm 6:00-7:00 pm
October 15 October 24
November 26 November 21
December 17 December 12
Perrysburg @ Frank Elementary Rossford Elementary
6:00-7:30 pm 5:30-7:00 pm
October 3 October 17
November 14 November 14
December 12 December 5
Childcare and food are provided.