Programs & Services
School Psychologist
Prevention Program Awards
Juvenile Residential Center
Juvenile Detention Center
Locations & Hours
Available Services
About the Centers
Other Integrated Services
Procedural Safeguards
Credit Recovery
Correspondence courses (often called Credit Recovery) are available providing an opportunity to earn high school credits for youth who are credit deficient. We offer over 15 different courses in a wide variety of subject areas. All courses must be requested and approved by the youth’s home school district.
*These courses are available for a charge of $125.
Find Help
Grants and Funding
Kinship Support Groups
Prevention Programs
Prevention Education Staff Members
SCORE - Self-Contained Optional Resource Environment
ID/ CD Classroom
LIFE Skills
Learning Independence through Functional Education
Living Classroom
PATHE - Positive Alternatives to Handling Emotions
PACE - Providing Access to Community Employment
Related Services
Behavior Support Coordinator
IT Request
Wood County Academy will not be in operation for the 2024-2025 school year.
Parent Mentor
Red Rover- Absence Management Service
Employee Workplace Injuries and Accident Reporting
Background Checks and Fingerprinting Services
Parapro Testing
Substitute Teachers & Substitute Paraprofessionals
Welcome to the Superintendent's Office
Welcome to the Fiscal Office
Governing Board Policies
Early Childhood Services
Board of Education
Life Skills and Living Classroom Student/Parent Items
Teacher Forms
Preschool Information
If you have questions about our preschools, would like to preregister your child, or have concerns about your child's development (speech, motor skills, behavior, etc), please contact WCESC at or 419-354-9010 x 133.
Click here to learn more about our preschool programs at Eastwood, North Baltimore, and Northwood. If you're interested in other school districts, please call the district directly.
Thank you for your interest in registering for the Community Learning Centers.
For returning families, please complete re-registration by accessing your parent portal at
For new registering families, please find your school listed below and complete the registration through the link provided.
Additional registration documentation:
Read our Student Wellness Policy
On January 19, 2023, a committee met to complete the required triennial Wellness Policy Assessment Tool. Review the results of that review here. To participate in the next Wellness Policy assessment, contact Greg Van Vorhis.
Monthly menus for Wood County Academy, PATHE, and PACE
Menus for Community Learning Center:
- Participation in and outside of the schools in prevention, intervention, and assessment for students who require support services due to psychological or behavioral problems
- Interpretation of assessment data to educational teams and families
- Recommendations for strategies related to behavior and academic supports to ensure appropriate intervention in the Multi-Tiered Support System (MTSS)
- Guidance and when needed, implementation of a functional behavioral analysis (FBA) and behavior intervention plan (BIP)
- Coordination and collaboration with early intervention services for students transitioning from early intervention to preschool and preschool to school age services
Senior Team Leader
A Senior Team Leader is in charge of running the site and managing the students and support staff members. Responsible for overseeing program staff, implement planned curriculum and daily schedule, provide a safe and welcoming environment for students and families, and collaborate with local school districts.

Youth Mental Health First Aid
Youth Mental Health First Aid USA is a public education program that introduces you to the unique risk factors and warning signs of mental health problems in adolescents and transitional aged youth, builds understanding of the importance of early intervention, and teaches you how to help a young person in crisis or experiencing a mental health challenge. The course uses role-playing and simulations to demonstrate how to recognize a mental health crisis, provide initial help and connect young people to professional, peer, social, and self-help care.
- 2019 NAMI Wood County Provider Appreciation Award (presented to Kyle Clark)
- Collaborative Leadership Appreciation Award (presented to Kyle Clark) 2013
- A 2006 & 2008 Recipient of the Exemplary Prevention Program award by ODADAS (Ohio Department of Alcohol and Drug Addiction Services Board)
- A 2008 SAMHSA (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services) Science and Service Award Winner
- Listed on the Ohio Registry of Effective Practices
Contact Number:
419-353-4406 Ask for Education Coordinator
1012 South Dunbridge Rd., Bowling Green, OH 43402
Contact Number:
419-352-3554; Ask for Education Department Voice Mail
1032 South Dunbridge Rd.
Bowling Green, OH 43402
Wood County Academy
Before and Afterschool Programs
STARS is a before and after-school program that provides quality enrichment and extended learning activities to elementary students. Students receive assistance to promote homework completion, participate in enrichment activities called Discovery Zones, and practice and improve their reading and math skills using an online tool called SuccessMaker. Students are also provided a healthy breakfast, snack, and/or dinner, plus time for physical activity.
Homework Club
Homework Club is a before and after-school program that provides students the opportunity to focus on homework completion in a safe, nurturing environment. Students will receive academic support and other enrichment opportunities, such as quiet reading time, fun math games, and assistive technology. Students will also be provided a healthy breakfast, snack, and/or dinner, plus time for physical activity.
- Bowling Green Bobcat STARS at Crim Elementary School
- Eastwood Homework Club at Eastwood Elementary School
- North Baltimore Tiger Academy at Powell Elementary School
- Rossford Bulldog STARS at Rossford Elementary School
- Lake Flyer STARS at Lake Elementary School
- Beyond the Bell at Rossford Junior-Senior High School
Wood County Schools
- All Saints Catholic School
- Bowling Green
- Bowling Green Christian Academy
- Eastwood
- Elmwood
- Kateri Catholic School System (formerly St. Jerome Elementary School)
- Lake
- Montessori School of Bowling Green
- North Baltimore
- Northwood
- Otsego
- Penta Career Center
- Perrysburg
- Rossford
- St. Aloysius Catholic School
- St. Louis School
- St. Rose
Social Media

We would not be able to do our work in the schools and in the community without the support of our grant funders. The Prevention Education program is funded through several local, state and federal grants, which allow us to offer a wide array of services to the youth of Wood County. Our past and current grants include:
- School and Community Based (SCB) prevention grant (in Wood County since 1989): 77% funded by the Wood County Alcohol, Drug Addiction and Mental Health Services (ADAMHS) Board; 23% funded by local schools.
- Project A.W.A.R.E. Grant (October 2014-September 2019).
- Drug-Free Communities Grant (October 2014-Present).
- Reducing Alcohol Abuse in Secondary Students (RAASS) Grant (June 2008-June 2012) made possible by a grant from the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Safe and Drug-Free Schools.
- Drug testing grant (June 2008-June 2012), made possible by a grant from the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Safe and Drug-Free Schools.
- Safe Schools, Healthy Students grant/SHAPES Initiative (element 2, additional prevention programming for 4 years; grant received in 2009, ended in 2014).
- Wood County Juvenile Detention Center Grant - Represents a partnership between the ADAMHS Board, the Juvenile Detention Center, and the Wood County Educational Service Center to provide prevention education to incarcerated youth (2007-present).
- Northwest Ohio Strategic Alliance for Tobacco Control - a Tobacco Control and Prevention grant (2003-2009).
Kinship Support Groups meet in a casual and welcoming environment, offering education and support to grandparents who are raising grandchildren. Grandparents have the opportunity to meet other caregivers, develop a network of support, and receive information about resources and services available.
Meetings are currently held on various Tuesdays (see schedule below) at Lake Elementary in Millbury, Rossford Elementary, and Crim Elementary in Bowling Green. Free dinner and child care are provided. RSVP's are requested in advance to plan for dinner and childcare workers, but are not required for attendance.
For additional information, please contact:
Sarah Nidiffer
419-354-9010 ext.136
Program Structure
- A cross-categorical program design with one teacher and 1 para professional
- Maximum of 12 students at any one time in the classroom
- Programming currently offered for grades 3-high school in two separate classrooms
Program Structure
- Self-contained setting housed in an apartment in the community, with one teacher, one program para professional, and 1-1 para professionals as IEP dictates
- Instructional day consists of work experiences in the community and instruction in the apartment and community to prepare students for independency to their maximum potential – typical week consists of approximately 3 days in the community and 2 days in the apartment
- Classroom maximum of 8 students
Program Structure
- A separate public facility designed with 1 teacher and 2 para professionals per class.
- Classroom maximum of 10 students
- Programming offered for grades K-12 in five separate classrooms
- PACE - an extension of the Pathe programming housed at WCESC with an added community based component providing work experiences
- A high quality, comprehensive process of screening, evaluation, identification, and direct services for students, pre-school-age 22, who demonstrate needs in one or more of the following disciplines: speech/ language/ communication, occupational therapy, physical therapy, adapted physical education, psychological services
- Team collaboration and consultation with parents, district staff, teachers, outside agencies, and other personnel to ensure provision of quality services for all students in all phases of education – classroom and transition services
- Knowledgeable staff (licensed/ certified) who stay current on policies and procedures and who complete all required documentation for Medicaid reimbursement for participating districts
- A competitive cost structure allowing for the sharing of curriculum resources, staff, and consistent best practices
- One-on-one, small group, whole group and pull-out or inclusionary services based on student, classroom, and district needs
- Works with districts and educational staff to evaluate, develop, and provide support in: conflict resolution, classroom management, and student behavior within the overall learning experiences of students in all activities – academic and social - sponsored by the district
- Directs interventions and strategies within the instructional process to enable students to reach their fullest physical, social-emotional, psychological, and behavioral potential
- Provide consultation and assistance to school psychologists with placement recommendations and testing procedures involving students with emotional impairments, at-risk behaviors, or social-emotional needs
- Provide in-service or in-classroom training to school personnel for behavior management, PAARR, para professionals, and other trainings as requested
Red Rover offers Web services so that you can create an absence anytime, anywhere. As soon as you register an absence, Red Rover starts finding a qualified, available substitute to fill your absence.
Substitutes: Please reference the Substitute Quick Start Guide to get started.
Regular Employees: Please reference the Employee Quick Start Guide to get started.
Substitute Management Coordinator: Kelly Llanas
Office hours: 8:00 - 4:00pm
Contact the office at 419-354-9010
After hours phone number: 419-308-4147
NOTE: Substitute Aides must complete a Substitute Time Sheet.
Paraprofessional Frequently Asked Questions
Who Takes the Test?
The test is for prospective and practicing paraprofessionals.
When and Where Can I Take the Test?
The test is given at the Wood County ESC by appointment only. Please call Kelly Llanas at 419.354.9010 ext. 305 to make an appointment.
How Long is the Test?
Test takers have 2.5 hours to complete the test.
What Subjects are on the Test?
Test subjects include reading, writing, and math.
What are the Questions Like?
The test has 90 multiple-choice questions, approximately two-thirds of which focus on basic skills and knowledge. The remaining one-third focus on applying skills in the classroom. All test questions are in English.
What Test Preparation is Available?
Click on Study Companion Guide for a free copy.
How is the Test Given?
The test is delivered on a computer and administered by appointment at the Wood County ESC.
What is a Passing Score?
Test takers must score at least 456.
Can I Retake the Test if I Don’t Pass?
A test taker must wait 7 days before retaking the test.
How are the Scores Reported?
Your unofficial scores are available onscreen and can be printed at the end of the test. Your official score report is mailed approximately 2–3 weeks after the test date via the e-mail address provided when you registered for the assessment. A copy of your score is automatically sent over the ODE’s credentialing office.
$65 is due the day of the test. Payment is only accepted in the form of cash (Exact Amount Please!) or a money order payable to Wood County ESC.
Identification Requirements:
Each test taker is to present an acceptable ID that includes the test taker’s name, photograph and signature. Acceptable identification includes:
· A current valid Photo Driver’s License
· A current valid Passport
· Military Identification
What to Bring:
Scratch Paper
Prohibited Items:
Test takers should have nothing on the desk other than scratch paper and pencils. The use of any of the following items in the testing room is strictly prohibited. Possession or use of any of these devices will result in immediate dismissal from the testing room, forfeiture of test fees, any cancellation of test scores.
· Books or pamphlets
· Protractors
· Calculators
· Compasses
· Rulers
· Translators
· Dictionaries
· Phone or any electronic, recording, listening, or photographic device.
If you have questions, please contact Kelly Llanas at 419.354.9010 ext. 305 or
Please click on Substitute Application for all WCESC schools (Eastwood, Elmwood, Lake, North Baltimore, Northwood, Otsego, Perrysburg) and Dedicated School Staffing (Rachel Wixey).
Background Checks and Fingerprinting Services
All school employees must have both an Ohio background check (BCII) and a FBI background check at the time of initial employment and periodically thereafter. These checks need to be less than 365 days old to be considered valid for licensing purposes.
The National FBI and BCII fingerprint results must be submitted electronically to the Ohio Department of Education if you wish WCESC to complete the process. ODE will not take a paper copy. Once you receive the result in the mail, WCESC will need an actual copy of the results - not just a receipt that says you completed the process.
Other locations may be available for background checks. You can verify locations by clicking WebCheck Community Listing. Be sure to verify that the location has capability to do both the Ohio and National WebCheck transactions.
Employees with multiple licenses only need to submit the required background checks when they are applying for the renewal of the license or permit that is of the longest duration. All other employees, even those that hold a permanent certificate, are still required to submit the required background checks once every five years.
Employees who have lived continuously in Ohio for those five years, however, will only need to submit a FBI background check. If not, both background checks must be completed.
· Ohio BCI - $25
· FBI $42
Forms of Payment Accepted:
· CASH – exact amount please!
· Money Order payable to Wood County Educational Service Center
· Please call to schedule an appointment.
· Bring a valid driver’s license with you at the time of your appointment.
For more information or to schedule an appointment, please call Kelly Llanas at 419.354.9010.
Your health is the first priority! If your injury requires emergency medical attention, call 9-1-1 immediately and seek medical care. After receiving medical care, please follow the instructions below to report your injury. A medical emergency is when you need immediate medical services that are necessary to alleviate severe pain, or an acute injury that could lead to a serious physical disability, mental disability or death.
If you are injured or become ill and do not choose to seek medical attention, you are still required to complete an Employee Accident / Exposure Incident Report from the online Staff Accident Management System of Public School Works.
If you injury is not a medical emergency and you do seek medical attention:
1. Report your injury to your supervisor or building principal.
2. Click on: to report your accident .
3. Seek medical attention at your nearest provider location.
Medical Care Options
When obtaining medical care, you MUST TELL THE PHYSICIAN it is due to a work-related injury. Identify Sheakley Unicomp as the Managed Care Organization (MCO).
First Visit
The first visit to any medical provider, whether an emergency or non-emergency, is covered for a work-related injury considered compensable by the Bureau of Workers’ Compensation.
All Other Visits
After the first visit, if you obtain medical care for a work-related injury from a medical provider other than those noted below, workers’ compensation insurance may not cover the costs and you may have to pay for the services. We encourage injured employees to go to one of the six medical providers listed below, which is convenient to you and specializes in work-related injuries, treatment and follow-up, including proper reporting, transitional work, physical therapy, and other occupational services.
ProMedica Urgent Care – Perrysburg
Levis Commons
25950 North Dixie Highway, Perrysburg, OH
(567) 585-0010
Mon - Sun 8:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m.
Mercy Health Medical Center - Perrysburg
12623 Eckel Junction Road, Perrysburg, OH
(567) 368-1000
Open 24 hours - 7 days a week
Rossford / Northwood / Penta /Lake:
ProMedica Urgent Care - Oregon
3316 Navarre Ave. Suite F, Oregon, OH
(419) 291-1420
Mon - Sun 8:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m.
Mercy St. Charles Hospital
2600 Navarre Ave, Oregon OH
(419) 696-7200
Open 24 hours - 7 days a week
Otsego / Bowling Green / Eastwood / Elmwood / North Baltimore
Ready Works @ Wood County Hospital
960 W. Wooster, Suite 201, Bowling Green, OH
(419) 373-4162
Urgent Care: Mon - Fri 8:00am - 4:30pm
Hospital: Open 24 hours - 7 days a week
Walk-In Urgent Care
1107 South Main Street, Bowling Green, OH
(419) 806-4222
Mon - Fri 8:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m. / Sat - Sun 10:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m.
If exposed to another person’s bodily fluids (Bloodborne Pathogen) the following documents must be given to the medical provider:
1. A copy of the Wood County E.S.C.’s Bloodborne Pathogens Exposure Control Plan obtained from the Safety Document Library within Public School Works.
2. A copy of the OSHA Bloodborne Pathogens regulations (29 CFR 1910.1030) obtained from the Safety Document Library within Public School Works
3. A copy of the completed Employee Accident/Exposure Report obtained from the Staff Accident Management System within Public School Works.
4. Results of the source individual's blood testing (if available) obtained from the other individual or medical provider .
5. All medical records applicable to treatment of the employee, including vaccination status, obtained from the medical provider.
4. Return to work, provide all paperwork to supervisor immediately upon return & follow medical instructions.
Please call Julie Bulkowski at 419.354.9010 ext .217 if you have questions.

Contact information:
Mark North: Superintendent - 419-354-9010 ext. 130; email:
Julie Bulkowski: Executive Secretary - 419-354-9010 ext. 217; email:
1867 N. Research Dr.
Bowling Green, OH 43402
Phone: 419-354-9010
Fax: 419-354-1146
Contact Information: 419-354-9010
Brad McCracken – Treasurer - ext. 214 email:
Joy Stacey – Assistant to the Treasurer - ext. 215 email:
Tracy August – Payroll Specialist - ext. 213 email:
Karen Keller – Payroll Specialist - ext. 212 email:
Addison Clark - Fiscal Data Specialist - ext. 202 email:
Allison Zimmerman - Bookkeeper - ext. 209 email:
Below are the WCESC\'s Governing Board Policies.
Policy A - Foundations & Basic Commitments
Policy B - Governing Board Governance & Operations
Policy C - General Education Service Center Administration
2025-2026 Preschool (starting Fall 2025):
Registration will begin in April 2025. To be added to the mailing list, please email Diana ( the following info: 1. your school district of residence; 2. your name; 3. your address; 4. phone number; 5. email; 6. your child's full name & DOB. 7. Do you have any concerns about your child's development? 8. Copy of Driver's License; 9. Copy of Utility bill; 10. Copy of child's Birth Certificate

Ohio Summer Food Service Program
All children ages 1 through 18 are eligible to receive free meals during the summer months at participating program sites. Individuals ages 19 through 21 who have been identified as having mental or physical disabilities and are following Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) through their current enrollment in educational programs also are eligible for free summer meals.
For more information, click here, or call 1-866-3-HUNGRY (486479).
Clark Kellogg PSA
Education Coordinator:
Christy Spontelli –
Math & Science:
Cheryl Grote –
Social Studies, Health & Resource Room:
Andrew Friess –
English & Consumer Education:
Christine Len –
Intervention Specialist:
Dianna Neumann –
Financial Audits of Wood County Educational Service Center
FY 22 WCESC Financial Audit Report
FY 21 WCESC Financial Audit Report
FY 20 WCESC Financial Audit Report
The Parent Mentor program is a support network for parents of children with disabilities. We help out with parents who need support or whom do not understand the special education process. We can meet with parents prior to a scheduled school meeting and also accompany them to the meeting to assist the parents in working with the school team for their child. This is available at no extra cost to any participating districts or parents. We are funded by a federal grant.
We have also created a DVD Library list that is available for parents and teachers to borrow on a variety of topics relating to special education. Please feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns.
Click link for the Autism Parent Support group dates:
Parent Mentor Library
Click Here to access all the books you can borrow for free OR stop by to browse (M-F,8:30am-4:00pm).
Feel free to call or email and I can pull the books out for you!
Autism/Special Needs Resources
Parent Mentor Newsletters:
- March 2025
- February 2025
- January 2025
- December 2024
- November 2024
- October 2024
- September 2024
- April 2024
- March 2024
- February 2024
- January 2024
- December 2023
- November 2023
- October 2023
- September 2023
- May 2023
- April 2023
- March 2023
- February 2023
- January 2023
- December 2022
- November 2022
- Spring/Summer 2018-2019
- Fall/Winter 2018-2019
- Spring/Summer 2017-2018
- Fall/Winter 2017-2018
The Wood County Educational Service Center's school and community based Prevention Education Program uses evidence-based programs in the classroom. If you have any questions about our programs, please feel free to contact us.
Our office employs staff members who work within the school districts throughout Wood County. These employees provide drug free educational activities and services for children, administrators, faculty and parents within the community. If you would like to discuss issues with any of our prevention specialist, please review the list below and contact the individual who is responsible for your school district. Questions that cannot be answered by individual staff members, will be directed to our coordinator of on-site prevention services.
Download any of the following brochures to learn more about the ATOD Prevention Program:
Programming for Students
- With moderate educational needs (IQ in the intellectually delayed range) who are not successful full time in the general education setting with limited resource room support
- With adaptive behavior deficits
- Whose learning needs are best met with direct instruction in a small group setting with opportunity for inclusion in select courses
- Who benefit from a curriculum aligned to the Ohio Academic Learning Standards – Extended with moderate accommodations and modifications
- Who currently require adult prompting in order to learn independent work and life skills
Program Structure
- Self-contained setting with one teacher, one program para professional, and 1-1 para professionals as IEP dictates
- Classroom maximum of 8 students
- Programming offered from Kindergarten through Grade 23 (through 22nd birthday)
Programming for Students
- Ages 18-21 who have met all high school requirements and who have the right to stay in school through their 22nd birthday (grade 23 student)
- Who can live and work safely and productively with adult support in the community with limited behavioral concerns
- Who have a focus to obtain transition skills working towards integrated competitive employment (with job coaching) and supported independent living options
- Who can continue to build independency over time with direct instruction and fading adult supports
Programming for Students
- With significant social-emotional and behavioral needs
- Whose needs are best met in a self-contained LRE setting with smaller class sizes and who require adult supervision to maintain safe and appropriate behavior
- Who benefit from direct social skills instruction, a therapeutic approach and an academic curriculum based off of the Ohio Academic and Extended Standards
- With an emphasis of transitioning back to a general education setting in coordination with the student’s home school district
Speech and Language Therapy
- Development of each child's skills in the areas of receptive (understanding) and expressive (speaking) language
- Direct instruction and strategies to improve articulation (making sounds correctly) and pragmatics, (using language appropriately in social settings) speech and language skills
- Assessment, development, and coordination with teams on individualized communications systems to help build independent functional communication skills to express choices, wants and needs
Click to download Let's Talk About Speech, Language and Hearing Skills Handbook (a manual for families).
Local Resources
- Children's Resource Center
- Providing child-centered, family-focused mental health, and co-occuring mental health and substance abuse services to all Wood County and nearby families.
- Help Me Grow
- A program for Ohio's expectant parents, newborns, infants and toddlers that provides health and developmental services so that children start school healthy and ready to learn.
- United Way
- Volunteers helping people.
- Wood County
- Find all of Wood County's elected officials and services here.
- Wood County ADAMHS Board
- Helping Wood County Citizens Who Need Mental Health, Alcohol, Drug Treatment, Educational, or Prevention Services.
- Wood County Department of Job and Family Services
- Wood County Health Department
- The mission of the Wood County Health Department is to work to "assure that conditions in Wood County permit its residents to lead healthy lives."
- Wood County Hospital
- Wood County Juvenile Court Judge David Woessner
- Wood County Juvenile Court Judge
- Wood County Juvenile Detention Center
- The Wood County Juvenile Detention Center partners with the Wood County Educational Service Center's Prevention Education Program to help youths turn a corner and lead more productive lives.
- WSOS Community Action
Obtaining, updating and filing of a valid license is the responsibility of all certificated employees. It is REQUIRED that personnel meet the requirements for renewal and updating of their license .
It is also the responsibility of the educational aide to make sure a current education aide permit is updated yearly. Our office will assist you, but that does not relieve you of your responsibility to have a valid permit.
Ohio ID Account Instructions for New or Renewal Licenses or Permits
Initial and renewal applications for regular teaching licenses and educational aide permits for educators in Ohio, including substitutes, are processed online.
Even if you are not due to upgrade or renew a license or permit right now, the CORE system may still be useful to you. Please take the time to read the following information. It is recommended that every employee that holds a license or permit sign up for a Ohio ID account.
What is CORE?
CORE is an acronym for Connected Ohio Records for Educators. It is a website that addresses all aspects of an Ohio educator’s qualifications such as licensure, residency, employment history, and professional conduct. The CORE product most commonly used by teachers and school staff is “My Educator Profile.”
How do I access CORE?
You will need a Ohio ID account to access CORE. If you have been employed in the past as a teacher, you may already have a Ohio ID account.
When will I need my Ohio ID account?
Ohio educators need a Ohio ID account to view their personal information as it is on record with the Ohio Department of Education and to renew certificates, licenses, and permits.
How will license / permit applications be managed in Wood County with this new system?
Licensure and permit applications will continue to be handled by Stephanie Dyar at the ESC. However, all of the initial processing will take place electronically. Remember, it is your responsibility to be sure you are renewing / upgrading licenses or permits you hold. To renew your license, you will complete the CORE online application and payment process via your Ohio ID account. Once submitted in CORE, your application will process electronically to any necessary approvers at the Wood County ESC.
How will I pay for my license / permit?
Once you’ve submitted your application on CORE, you will also process your payment electronically on a page called “My Account.” The “My Account” page will display automatically when the system sees that your application has been submitted successfully.
What if I have to attach documents to my application?
Some applications may require additional documentation like transcripts, letters of verification, or test scores. If documents are required, you will see a page explaining the requirements as you complete the online application process. Some documents must be mailed to ODE separately. Also, documentation can be downloaded and attached to the application from your computer files, which will appear in a drop down box. The system will provide detailed instructions for mailing or downloading as appropriate for your circumstances.
How will I know what is happening with my submitted application?
As the application moves through the approval process, you will receive an email if any of your approvers decline your application. Additionally, you can log into your Ohio ID account at any time and see the status of any applications you’ve submitted by going to the “My Account”.
Please click on the following links to complete an application or renew a license or permit:
Initial Application for a License or Permit
Please call Kelly Llanas with any questions at 419.354.9010 ext. 305
2019 Board Meeting Agendas
What is the Wood County Early Childhood Services? The Wood County Early Childhood Program is a developmentally-appropriate, integrated program providing services to children with and without special needs from the ages of 3–5.
What will children learn during a typical day? Our curriculum is endorsed by the Ohio Department of Education. It is a play-based curriculum which supports children’s learning in all areas of development and creates a foundation for school-age achievement. Your child will be involved in hands-on learning experiences where children cooperate, talk to peers and adults, make choices, and solve problems in a language-rich learning environment. Art, music, and motor activities are an integral part of the curriculum.
What services are provided for children with Special Needs?
Children with identified special needs will have an individual educational plan addressing areas of delay. Support for learning is provided by a team of specialists which may include the preschool psychologist, speech therapist, vision specialist, audiologist, adaptive physical education teacher, occupational therapist, and physical therapist.
How do I refer my child for a special needs evaluation? If you have concerns about your child’s speech, motor skills, behavior, etc., please contact us at or 419-354-9010. Screenings and assessments may be conducted as appropriate. If delays are identified, children with special needs will be offered services via an IEP.
For Typically-Developing children: Typically-developing children who are toilet trained will be enrolled based on the vacancy available. contact us at or 419-354-9010 to request a Pre-Registration Form, or visit the Preschool page to download it.
Tim Smith | President |
Judith Paredes | Vice-President |
Joe Long | Board Member & Legislative Liaison Representative |
Judith Hines | Board Member & Student Achievement Liaison |
Kathy Limes | Board Member & Penta Career Center Representative |
The Governing Board conducts all business in open meetings. News media representatives are notified through public announcements in advance of meeting days and times. Normally, the Governing Board meets on the fourth Tuesday of each month at 4:00 p.m. at the Wood County Educational Service Center, 1867 N. Research Drive, Bowling Green, OH 43402.
2024-2025 Life Skills and Living Classroom:
* Registration Packet * Parent Handbook
* Parent Letters:
– Lake Elem | – Lake MS/HS |
– NW AAA Bldg | – NW Elem and Living Classroom |
* Classroom Supply Lists:
– Blausey | – Heinl |
– Jolliff | – Kamelsky |
– Stager | – Stone |
– Van Order | – Wyatt |
Preschool Forms/Parent Info
Our Mission:
We provide holistic and innovative learning opportunities for all students to promote long-term academic and social success. We support our employees, local districts, communities, and stakeholders, so together we can inspire students to learn, lead, and shine brightly in their futures.
In accordance with federal civil rights law and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) civil rights regulations and policies, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, age, or reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity.
Program information may be made available in languages other than English. Persons with disabilities who require alternative means of communication to obtain program information (e.g., Braille, large print, audiotape, American Sign Language), should contact the responsible state or local agency that administers the program or USDA’s TARGET Center at (202) 720-2600 (voice and TTY) or contact USDA through the Federal Relay Service at (800) 877-8339.
To file a program discrimination complaint, a Complainant should complete a Form AD-3027, USDA Program Discrimination Complaint Form which can be obtained online at:
- mail:
U.S. Department of Agriculture
Office of the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights
1400 Independence Avenue, SW
Washington, D.C. 20250-9410; or - fax:
(833) 256-1665 or (202) 690-7442; or - email:
This institution is an equal opportunity provider.
The Community Learning Centers of Wood County Educational Service Center provide quality enrichment and extended learning activities for elementary children - kindergarten through sixth grades. Our daily Before-school, After-school, and Summer STARS program meets the care and supervision needs of parents during out-of-school hours while engaging children in fun learning experiences that complement their school-day instruction.
Program Assistant
A Program Assistant supports the senior team leader in the day to day logistics of each site. They help set up for the day and work directly with children in hands-on activities that support student learning.
Understanding and managing trauma in children
This comprehensive training can help school districts better understand how students experience traumatic events, how to help them through challenging times, and learn to manage self-care techniques while working with this difficult population.
Bad Dad
Contact Number:
419-354-9010 Ext. 252
1867 N. Research Dr.
Bowling Green, OH 43402
Education Coordinator:
Christy Spontelli –
Teacher/Intervention Specialist:
Paula Leidel –
Teacher/Intervention Specialist:
Elizabeth Luce –
Summer STARS
Summer STARS is a themed summer program for elementary students that is similar to the before and after school program. Students will engage in Discovery Zones, complete SuccessMaker twice a day, and participate in outdoor physical activity. Summers also include travel days; going on educational and fun field trips and heading to the local pool for swimming. Again, a healthy breakfast, snack, and/or dinner is provided.

Literacy (RIMP) Scholarships
In collaboration with local districts, qualifying students on RIMP (Reading Improvement Monitoring Plans) will be awarded literacy scholarships covering 100% of program fees! If your child is eligible, contact your school's CLC Site Supervisor for more information.
SuccessMaker is a computer assisted academic instructional and assessment software program for all elementary grade levels. This software automatically adjusts in response to individual student performance, tracking initial reading performance and progress over time. It is an optimal tool to use with students with disabilities or learning delays as it initiates at the students current performance level, presents concepts and strategies, and progresses only as the student succeeds with the material presented. This avoids acceleration at a pace for which the student is not prepared. With over 30 years of research, SuccessMaker content has been aligned with both national and Ohio Academic Curriculum Standards. This program is both an instructional tool and a means to gather performance data for evaluation of academically supportive components of reading. SuccessMaker activity is implemented by Center staff as a daily component for student participants of the Before/Afterschool and Summer STARS/intervention programs.
Before School
Hours are from 6:30 a.m. until school begins:
Bowling Green-Crim, Eastwood, and Rossford.
After School
Hours are from school dismissal until six at Bowling Green- Crim, Eastwood, North Baltimore, Rossford, and Lake.
Hours are from 6:30 a.m. until 6:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, through the entire summer. Bowling Green, North Baltimore, and Rossford.

2024-2025 Meeting Schedule
Lake Elementary Bowling Green @ Kenwood Elementary
Gymnasium Cafeteria
5:30-7:00 pm 6:00-7:00 pm
October 15 October 24
November 26 November 21
December 17 December 12
Perrysburg @ Frank Elementary Rossford Elementary
6:00-7:30 pm 5:30-7:00 pm
October 3 October 17
November 14 November 14
December 12 December 5
Childcare and food are provided.
Specially Designed Programming of SCORE
- Direct instruction of core content and IEP goals in small group or individual settings aligned to academic learning standards-extended
- Participation for all students in non-academic courses with same-age, typical peers
- Inclusion in general education academic content classes when appropriate, with limited adult support
- Integration of vocational experiences, work skills, including “soft skills,” on a daily basis
- Direct instruction of social skills and adaptive behavior skills aligned to IEP
- Direct guidance and teaching of resources (ex. OhioMeansJobs) in identification of preferences, interests, and strengths to prepare for employment and future independent living
- Collaboration with an expanded IEP team to assist in transition for students who are appropriate for Penta Career Center
- Includes cost of related services as a component of overall programming
Specially Designed Programming of the Living Classroom
- Direct instruction aligned to IEP transition goals in the areas of community access and participation, independent living, employability skills, life-long fitness and leisure, self-determination, and social skills/ relationships
- Integration of work experience opportunities within the community to gain employability skills focusing on a student’s PINS - preferences, interests, needs, and strengths
- Direct instruction of social skills/ relationships, communication, and personal safety in the community
- Direct instruction and generalization of functional academics and adaptive behavior skills in all environments
- Collaboration with an expanded Transition Team which includes adult agencies to students and families through the transition process to adult living
- Distribution of a collection of resources, strategies, and supports to parents to assist in a smooth transition to post-school living
- Includes cost of related services as a component of overall programming
Specially Designed Programming of PATHE
- Direct instruction of academics aligned to the general education curriculum including IEP goals with an emphasis on social skills development
- Implementation of the Discipline That Restores model with focus on repairing and maintaining positive relationships with peers and adults
- Collaboration with the Children’s Resource Center (CRC) to provide crisis support and student participation in a daily behavior management course as well as onsite individual and small group counseling when appropriate
- Teacher implemented behavior tracking, with input from students, designed to fit the unique needs of each student
- Continued collaboration with county districts to determine appropriate LRE for students based on their unique needs
- Integration of vocational studies and real world job placements, specifically with students 16 and older who participate in the PACE aspect of the program
- Includes cost of related services as a component of overall programming
Occupational Therapy
- Identification of sensory and motor needs of students to allow meaningful access to the curriculum and an individual’s environment
- Development of sensory diets and schedules based upon a student's individual needs
- Implementation of activities to improve a student's ability to respond to the environment and process information received from it
- Development of activities/ strategies along with direct instruction to improve small muscle control essential to writing, daily living skills, and daily tasks
- Consultation with teachers to develop programs/ activities for adaptations and environmental modifications to improve student regulation of behavior and sensory needs
Prevention Staff
STAY COOL: Ask a Prevention Specialist
Wood County Educational Service Center
1867 N. Research Dr.
Bowling Green, OH 43402
Call us at (419) 354-9010, or e-mail us at:
- Director of the Prevention Education Program - Kyle Clark (x251)
- Drug Free Communities Grant Program Coordinator - Tina Bradley (x174)
- Prevention Education Program Coordinator - Angela Patchen x228)
- Administrative Assistant - Greg Van Vorhis (x211)
- Bowling Green - Felicia Boyd (x237)
- Eastwood – Hannah Madaras (x238)
- Elmwood – Annie Pilmore
- North Baltimore – Annie Pilmore
- Northwood – Bill Hamilton
- Otsego – Mary Gase
- Penta – Jennifer Wilhelm
- Perrysburg – Claire Hurtt
- B.A.B.E.S. Teacher, PAX Partner - Jane Lingenfelder (x194)
If you have been impacted by the use or abuse of alcohol or other drugs, there is help available all over Wood County.
You are not alone. There are many individuals nationwide who have a problem or know someone who has a problem with alcohol. You can always make a difference in your life or the life of someone else; choose the right path into the NEW COOL.
Organizations and Centers:
- NAMI Wood County
- Telephone:(419) 352-0626 or The Link 1(800)472-9411
- Wood County Educational Service Center
- Telephone:(419) 354-9010
- Children’s Resource Center
- Telephone: (419) 352-7588 or 1(888) 466-KIDS
- Unison Health
- Telephone:(419) 352-4624
- Harbor Wood County
- Telephone:(419) 352-5387 Perrysburg (419) 872-2419
2018 Board Meeting Minutes
November 23, 2018 - Regular Board Meeting Minutes
October 23, 2018 - Regular Board Meeting Minutes
September 25, 2018 - Regular Board Meeting Minutes
August 28, 2018 - Regular Board Meeting Minutes
July 24, 2018 - Regular Board Meeting Minutes
June 28, 2018 - Regular Board Meeting Minutes
June 6, 2018 - Special Board Meeting Minutes
June 1, 2018 - Special Board Meeting Minutes
May 31, 2018 - Special Board Meeting Minutes
May 22, 2018 - Regular Board Meeting Minutes
April 24, 2018 - Regular Meeting Minutes
March 27, 2018 - Regular Meeting Minutes
February 27, 2018 - Regular Meeting Minutes
Vaping Prevention Information
Big Mistake

Shanna Gerken
Phone: 419-354-9010 ext. 113
Click here to be added to the newsletter!
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Kyle Clark
Director of the Prevention Education Program
Programming for Students
- With moderate/ intensive educational needs, including multiple disabilities, autism, etc.
- With significant adaptive behavior deficits whose needs require intensive adult prompting and instruction
- Who may have significant barriers to functional communication
- Whose needs are best met in a self-contained LRE with smaller class sizes
- Who benefit from a community based instructional approach and functional curriculum aligned to Ohio Academic Learning Standards - Extended with significant modifications and accommodations
Physical Therapy
- Direct instruction of activities to increase or maintain balance, muscle strength and joint mobility
- Direct instruction of strategies/ activities to improve perceptual motor (where the body is in relation to the environment) and reflex development
- Guidance and direction to improve wheelchair mobility, including transfer training to enhance a child's maximum functioning on a physical level in the environment
- Treatment or advisement in the control of pain
- Collaboration with the IEP and school team to ensure an accessible school environment for all students in all situations
Law Enforcement
- Bloomdale Police Department (No Web site) - 419-454-6503
- Bowling Green Police Division - 419-352-2571
- Bowling Green State University Department of Public Safety - 419-372-2346
- Bradner Police Department - 419-288-2222
- Fostoria Police Department - 419-435-8573
- Haskins Police Department - 419-832-1130
- Lake Township Police - 419-666-5500
- Luckey Police Department - 419-833-3392
- North Baltimore Police Department - 419-257-2181
- Northwood Police Department - 419-691-5053
- Ohio Highway Patrol, Post 87 - 419-352-2481
- Owens Community College Department of Public Safety - 567-429-3586
- Pemberville Police Department - 419-287-3250
- Walbridge Police Department- 419-555-1444
- Wayne Police Department - 419-288-2777
- West Millgrove (No Web site) - 419-288-3333
- Wood County Park District - 419-353-1897
- Wood County Sheriff - 419-354-9137
- Access a variety of information about Wood County and the Sheriff's Office, including safety tips, press releases, and sex offender information.
2017 Board Meeting Minutes
December - No Meeting
November 28, 2017 - Regular Meeting Minutes
October 17, 2017 - Regular Meeting Minutes
September 26, 2017 - Regular Meeting Minutes
August 22, 2017 - Regular Meeting Minutes
July 25, 2017 - Regular Meeting Minutes
June 27, 2017 - Regular Meeting Minutes
May 23, 2017 - Regular Meeting Minutes
April 11, 2017 - Regular Meeting Minutes
March 28, 2017 - Regular Meeting Minutes
February 28, 2017 - Regular Meeting Minutes

Tim Smith, Board President
Timothy Smith returns to the governing board of the Wood County Educational Service Center, having previously served from 1994 to 2015, including four years as board president.
Throughout his career, Smith served as Assistant Dean of Students at Bowling Green State University from 1965 to 1975; Wood County Administrator from 1975 to 1981; Director of Sales for Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Ohio from 1981 to 1995; and Senior Vice President of Sky Insurance from 1995 to 2005.
He then retired from active employment for several years before becoming Associate Vice President of Research and Economic Development at BGSU from 2009 to 2013.
Smith holds a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, and a Master of Arts degree in College Student Personnel from Bowling Green State University. He also graduated from Krannert Graduate School of Management at Purdue University.
PATHE and PACE Classroom Student/Parent Items
Medical Form (2 pages) and Dental Form (1 page). Shot record is also required for attendance.
Click to download Importance of Health Screenings for Preschoolers flyer
Click to download Info Section (Tips for Completing Reg Forms/Immunization Info)
Link to Recommended Immunizations for Children from Birth—6 Years Old:
English -
Spanish -
In 2001, after witnessing an overwhelming community need, the Community Learning Centers were created to provide children a safe and fun before/after school extended learning environment. Since then, through the support of the Wood County Educational Service Center, the 21st Century Community Learning Center program, and the United Way, this amazing program has expanded to serve thousands of kids a year, in 7 districts, at 8 sites, year-round, throughout Wood and Lucas counties!
Canine Crew
In collaboration with Rossford Schools, the Canine Crew is a targeted intervention program offering homework assistance, tutoring, and interactive computer programming to support your child’s learning. It is an expanded learning program different than the regular daily STARS program offered through our Community Learning Center at Rossford Elementary. If selected through the school, Canine Crew provides students with reading intervention under the direction of certified Rossford teachers at no fee to your family!
Maumee MaKERS
In collaboration with Maumee School District, the MaKERS program is a targeted intervention program offering homework assistance, tutoring, and interactive computer programming to support your child’s learning. If selected through the school, MaKERS provides students with academic intervention, social-emotional learning, a hot dinner, enrichment activities, and much more!
A Substitute is an individual who cannot work every day, but is able to fill in and sub for a senior team leader or program assistant when needed. This could be in the morning or afternoon.

PAX Tools
PAX Tools is a collection of 12 evidence-based behavioral strategies for families and communities to promote the development of self-regulation skills of children in their lives. Caregivers who participate in PAX Tools Seminars will receive materials they need to effectively use the PAX Tools with the children in their lives including a PAX Tools App.
Deterra Drug Deactivation System Tutorial
Adapted Physical Education
- Evaluation of abilities of gross motor and physical development as part of the multi-factored evaluation process
- Instruction to improve basic motor abilities, coordination, and physical and social-psychological performance aligned to state physical education standards
- Instruction of appropriate life-long leisure skills
For All
- ADAPAO (Alcohol and Drug Abuse Prevention Association of Ohio)
- ADAPAO is a not-for-profit, membership-based association that serves as the voice of alcohol, tobacco and other drug prevention in Ohio.
- The mission of CADCA (Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America) is to strengthen the capacity of community coalitions to create and maintain safe, healthy and drug-free communities globally. This is accomplished by providing technical assistance and training, public policy advocacy, media strategies and marketing programs, training and special events.
- Prevention Action Alliance
- The Partnership at
- The Partnership at helps parents prevent, intervene and find treatment for their children.
- FACE Project
- FACE is a national non-profit organization that supports sensible alcohol policies and practices through the development of messages, strategies and training designed to create public awareness and action on alcohol issues. (Description taken from FACE Web site).
- National Alliance on Mental Illness
- NAMI is a grass roots organization dedicated to improving the lives of individuals and families affected by mental illness.
- NIDA- National Institute of Drug Abuse
- Information for parents, teachers and students.
- Nine Zero
- Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD) Prevention Resources for Teachers, Students, Community Organizations, Counties and Advocates.
- Adolescent Substance Abuse Knowledge Base
- A very basic, straightforward website for parents/guardians with facts and up to date statistics from different national studies. The main page has links to different topics related to drug use, including current statistics, signs of drug use, symptoms of specific drugs, myths about alcohol, identifying drugs, tips for talking with teens, knowing how and when to seek help, and various links to outside resources. By clicking on any of the topics, the information opens up at the bottom of the page. The layout of the site is very simple, almost boring in its simplicity, but it’s this aspect that makes the information easily accessible to parents/guardians.
- Al-Anon/Alateen
- Designed for individuals that are affected by someone else’s drinking, the Al-Anon & Alateen website is designed to link people to groups and resources for the purpose of providing support and help. The site states a clear definition of the purpose, the philosophical base of the program, and the steps involved in coping with the problem. There are questionnaires to determine if the program will be appropriate and beneficial to the individual and information for finding a meeting in the area. The website is easy to navigate and basic in content. The program itself, like Alcoholics Anonymous, can be a very effective resource for recovery, but due to its connection with God, it certainly isn’t for everyone.
- Alcoholics Anonymous
- The Alcoholic Anonymous website provides a substantial amount of information about the program in an organized, simple format. There are online brochures, FAQs, historical timelines, sitemaps, categorical links, and a site search which all help define the program, dispel misperceptions, address concerns, and help link people to services. This is another valuable website and resource.
- Addictions Intervention, Inc.
- Very good resource for receiving professional assistance when planning to conduct an intervention. The website is simple, very straightforward. There are links and banners nearly every paragraph of every page with a toll-free number to receive assistance. There could be more information provided regarding the process of delivering services, the concerns of self-determination, etc. but the web site certainly provides a good overview and a good starting point for someone considering this as a possibility.
- Drug Rehab
- This website is designed to link individuals seeking treatment for alcohol and/or drug addiction with treatment facilities in close proximity. The site is aimed at parents/guardians, but could be useful for any adults working with teens. The information is categorized by specific topics and substances, and each link has a substantial amount of detail. The downfall of the site is that there is no effort to define the organization or program behind the services, and nothing to describe how the services work. The information is great, but there is no description of how the service came into being or how they are funded. The information is all general, and other than a phone number, the viewer has no way of knowing any details pertaining to the treatment process.
- Focus Adolescent Services
- In terms of informational content, Focus Adolescent Services covers a wide array of topics that affect adolescents, including some that rarely get discussed such as attachment disorders, body image, grief, self-injury, running away, teen dating violence, etc. All of these links are organized alphabetically from top to bottom on the left side of the page which makes them easily accessible.
- U.S. Surgeon General
- Unlike the other websites, this is a printable fact guide which gives a basic overview of underage drinking in the United States. It is designed for adults and uses current studies and facts to define and clarify the problem. It is designed very well, it is easy to read, has good visual aides, and covers a lot of information in a small space. Because it can be printed and handed out, it is a very valuable tool for informing any adults that might benefit from the knowledge.

Judith Paredes, Vice President
Before serving as a member of the Wood County Educational Service Center Governing Board, Mrs. Paredes committed herself to improving the Lake Local Schools District for more than 20 years. During that time, she resided on the School Board for eight years while she and her husband were also members and officers of the Athletic Boosters. They spent countless hours working at the concession stands for a variety of Lake Athletic contests. Some weeks, they spent more time at the school than at home. Through this endeavor, the couple met numerous wonderful people while enjoying every minute of the experience. The couple treasured their involvement with Lake Schools and desired to give back whenever they could. Their tireless dedication earned them a place in the Lake Schools Athletic Hall of Fame.
Mrs. Paredes was married for 33 years before her husband passed away. The couple has three children: Michael, Brian and Janea, who is the head Culinary Instructor at Penta Career Center. A few years later, she remarried and added three more children to her family: Chad, Jeremy and Nichole who are all teachers. Mrs. Paredes has always had a great respect for teachers and what they do for children. Serving on school boards has provided her with great insight on the immense effort it takes to teach well, along with the rewards that teaching brings. These insights aide her as she guides the WCESC Governing Board.
Sarah Nidiffer
Family & Community Liaison/ Credit Recovery
(419) 354-9010 ext. 136
Wood County Prevention Coalition CADCA Presentation
For Youth
- Students Against Destructive Decisions
- SADD is a peer-to-peer education, prevention, and activism organization dedicated to preventing destructive decisions.
- Above the Influence
- List of famous people who have died as a result of drug and alcohol abuse
- Love is Respect

(Beginning Alcohol Basic Education Studies)
BABES is a primary prevention program designed to help children in kindergarten through second grade develop positive life skills. The program uses several puppets to introduce factual, non-judgmental information about alcohol, drugs, decision-making and coping skills.

Angela Patchen
Prevention Education Program Manager
419-354-9010 Ext. 228
Specially Designed Programming of LIFE Skills
- Direct instruction of all content areas aligned to the academic learning standards-extended
- Community based instruction embedded throughout instructional units to directly generalize skills
- Systematic and direct instruction of social skills training, internet safety and technology
- Direct instruction in daily living skills, pre-vocational/ vocational skills, functional communication, and adaptive behavior skills
- Direct instruction of strategies/ methods to self-regulate behavior and daily routines
- Integration of school work experiences and community work experiences for students of transition age
- Participation with same age peers in school activities and/ or classes as appropriate
- Collaboration with an expanded IEP team to assist in transition for students who are appropriate for Penta Career Center and/ or the next steps in adult living
- Includes cost of related services as a component of overall programming
- Participation in and outside of the schools in prevention, intervention, and assessment for students who require support services due to psychological or behavioral problems
- Interpretation of assessment data to educational teams and families
- Recommendations for strategies related to behavior and academic supports to ensure appropriate intervention in the Multi-Tiered Support System (MTSS)
- Guidance and when needed, implementation of a functional behavioral analysis (FBA) and behavior intervention plan (BIP)
- Coordination and collaboration with early intervention services for students transitioning from early intervention to preschool and preschool to school age services

Kathy Limes, Board Member
Kathy LimesSince 1996, Kathy Limes has served as a member of the Wood County Education Service Center Governing Board serving as both President and Vice President. She has been active on a variety of committees and attended an assortment of seminars to benefit herself, the WCESC Governing Board, and the Wood County educational system. Mrs. Limes also received the privilege of being a Board Member when the new WCESC was constructed at its currently location in Bowling Green, Ohio.
Mrs. Limes has been married to her husband Donald for over four decades. The couple has two children (Peggy and Dana) and six grandchildren (Donyelle, Taylor, Dalton, Hunter, Mikayla, and Logan).
Kathy is a proud graduate of Bowling Green High School (Bowling Green, Ohio). She has taken numerous courses on income tax preparations, real estate and estate taxes, sales and marketing, business account, and computer programming. Education has served her well as she conducts and orchestrates major financial decisions as a business partner in Limes Family Farms for over 40 years and in her endeavors with individuals throughout Wood County and Northwest Ohio.
An active participant in her community, Kathy has served on the Penta Career Center Board since 2001 where she presided as President and Vice President. During her time there, she was on the Executive & Personnel, Policy/Legislative, Building & Grounds, and Finance & Curriculum committees. She was honored to be on the Penta Board during the construction of the current Career Center located on Buck Road in Perrysburg, Ohio.
Other activities and interests include being a lifetime board member of the ARC of Wood County Board which is associated with Wood Lane School (Wood County, Ohio), a lifetime member of the Wood County Historical Society, a member of the Republican Party and the Republican Central Committee, a past candidate for Wood County Commissioner, and a member and Sunday School teacher at Dayspring Assembly of God Church (Bowling Green, Ohio).
2024-2025 PATHE and PACE classrooms:
* Parent Letter * Parent Handbook
* Registration Packet (coming soon)
ECE Grant Preschool
What We Do:
Our services provide children with homework assistance, breakfast/snack, physical activities, fun extended learning opportunities, and a safe place to have fun outside the school day. Beyond serving these needs, we also provide kids a place to go to receive a smile, hug, and the support they need every time they walk in our door! Our fees are based on a sliding fee scale, with most families eligible for a rate reduction, and many families receiving free services.

Olweus Bullying Prevention Program
The Olweus Program (pronounced Ol-VAY-us) is a comprehensive approach that includes school-wide, classroom, individual, and community components. The program is focused on long-term change that creates a safe and positive school climate. It is designed and evaluated for use in elementary, middle, junior high and high schools (K-12). The program’s goals are to reduce and prevent bullying problems among schoolchildren and to improve peer relations at school. The program has been found to reduce bullying among students, improve the social climate of classrooms, and reduce related antisocial behaviors, such as vandalism and truancy.
Medical Marijuana in Ohio: Facts You Need to Know
Summer Academy
In collaboration with Rossford Schools, the Community Learning Centers hosts a FREE Summer Academy for select students entering grades K-5. This program is offered to students who would benefit from continued practice of reading and math skills. Intervention is targeted for students to maintain present levels of achievement and prevent further loss, to teach new skills, and to intervene in specific areas of need.
We are thrilled to offer access to a FREE distance learning, SEL program for students, called Foundations!
This program is based on a 40-day topical schedule, and is centered around giving students the social emotional building blocks they need to head back into the school year on a strong and positive note. We believe that during these trying times SEL is an important and supportive component to student daily schedules.
The Foundation skills were created with both 21st CCLC program objectives and the 5 SEL categories in mind, with a team that includes both certified teachers and counselors. Daily topics include Courage, Confidence, Pride, Leadership, Resilience, Integrity, and each day is a special blend of fun and learning and hosted by our special friend, Miss Susan.
1. Create a google account if you do not already have one! (Google suite accounts/work accounts are not compatible)
2. Head to the classroom link to view the module:
3. Select the "Go to Classroom" button
4. Log in using your personal gmail account
5. Select the plus (+) sign in on the right- hand corner of the screen, then select "join class"
6. Enter our class code: CTYXPQW
7. Start learning!
Discovery Zones
Discover Zones are a new digital curriculum package created to consolidate afterschool programmatic needs. DZs are an all-inclusive, systematic way to coordinate afterschool program curriculum and provide a fun and educational learning environment for students!
Why Discovery Zones?
· Afterschool programs are jammed full of many components, all of equal importance. In order to ensure every program element is proctored and continuous improvement is achieved, we developed a system that incorporates daily requirements into one total digitally distributed package that the staff and kids love.
What is a Discovery Zones?
· A Discovery Zone is a fun, animated, and graphic filled slideshow package used to structure and facilitate afterschool academics, social emotional learning through our very own 'Family Focus based activities, physical activity, mindfulness, new technology, engage parents, and more. These Discovery Zones are themed weekly, include differentiation, and are written to State standards.
How can I use Discovery Zones?
· Simply utilize the planning materials, begin the presentation, and let it guide you through hours of activities and topics designed to provide a new way of student learning afterschool. Beyond the slideshow, we also provide templates for table tents, job lanyards, teacher guide, supply list, guided discussion topics, and supplemental materials all based on a weekly theme.
This new curriculum has been tested and enjoyed by thousands of kids and, as seen above, even has a fun mascot, Dee-Zee! To learn more about Discovery Zones, contact us at
Make Learning EZ with DZs!
SuccessMaker is an online reading and math program to help develop students skills and keep them learning reading and math outside the classroom.
SuccessMaker® Adaptive Personalized Learning for K-8 Reading and Math
SuccessMaker® is an adaptive learning system that provides all K-8 students with a personalized learning experience that adjusts in real time to their specific individual learning needs.
- Perfect for differentiation, accelerated learning, and intervention
- Adapts for all RtI and MTSS tiers; CASE-certified for special education
- Real-time student performance data
- Support multilingual learners with 60+ translations
- Proven effective for all students by independent research
Youth Surveys
The ADAMHS Youth Survey is conducted every year in all 10 Wood County schools in order to get a picture of drug use, attitudes, beliefs, and school, and home climate. Results of these surveys are used to evaluate current programming and make additions, substitutions, and changes to programming accordingly, in order to better serve the youth of Wood County.
View the following:
- 2024 Wood County ADAMHS Youth Survey (Full report)
- 2022 Wood County ADAMHS Youth Survey
- 2020 Wood County ADAMHS Youth Survey
- 2018 Wood County ADAMHS Youth Survey
- 2016 Wood County ADAMHS Youth Survey
- 2014 Wood County ADAMHS Youth Survey
- 2013 S.H.A.P.E.S. Survey
- 2013 SHAPES Survey PowerPoint Presentation
- 2012 Wood County ADAMHS Youth Survey
- 2010 Wood County ADAMHS Youth Survey
For Parents
- Above the Influence
- Alcohol Watch Dog
- The Center on Alcohol Marketing and Youth
- Double ARC
- Double ARC provides consultation and staff development opportunities so that educators, health care providers, and professionals in the judicial and social service arenas are equipped to support children with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders.
- The Parent Project
- This multi-week evening course is a parent training program designed for parents of adolescents who act out (those often referred to with the labels of oppositional defiant, or conduct disorder). Topics include reducing family conflict and arguing, improving school performance and attendance, identifying and intervening with alcohol and other drug abuse, interceding with negative peer associations (including inappropriate dating relationships up to and including gang involvement) and helping parents to set effective applicable limits.
- Parents Empowered
- is a media and education campaign funded by the Utah Legislature designed to prevent and reduce underage drinking in Utah by providing parents and guardians with information about the harmful effects of alcohol on the developing teen brain, along with proven skills for preventing underage alcohol use.
- Partnership to End Addiction
- This site provides support for parents, including how to tell if your child is using alcohol or other drugs.
- Parents Who Host Lose the Most Public Service Announcement
- Prevention Action Alliance
- Prevention Action Alliance is a statewide, private non-profit prevention agency that educates key leaders on the problems facing their communities and provides the resources needed to take action.
- We Don't Serve Teens
- This website provides parents and others with tools and information to reduce teen drinking and related harm.
Wood County Teen Institute 2012 Fall Retreat
For Teachers
Free ATOD videos/clips available online:
- full video or video clip
- advanced search options, where you can search for just movies with teaching resources as well as by copyright year
- It is confirmed that the website is mentioned on the Eastwood website
- you can watch preview clips of different ATOD movies. Some clips are as long as 5 minutes. It is helpful to watch the clips before ordering movies.
- Toledo Lucas County Public Library. You can request movies online, and then go pick them up at your preferred location. There are many recent HRM movies available such as: “Huffing-- the latest facts about inhalant abuse” “Tobacco and death [video recording] : perfect together” There are also AIMS Multimedia movies available such as: “Alcohol and human physiology” “Tobacco.”
- Wood County Library
- Wood County District Public Library system. You can request movies online, and then pick up at your preferred location. There are a few HRM movies available such as: “Underage drinking know the facts, know the risks” “Getting stupid how drugs damage your brain.”

Class Action
Class Action looks at social and legal consequences involving teens and alcohol. Teens prepare and present hypothetical civil cases in which someone has been harmed as the result of underage drinking. Topics include drinking and driving, fetal alcohol syndrome, drinking and violence, date rape, drinking and vandalism, and school alcohol policies. For grades 9-12. Read the SAMHSA report about this program.
Empowerment Project
YEP serves youth by assisting them in developing crucial life skills needed to be successful. We assist youth with setting and achieving educational, employment, and career goals. A wide variety of services are available including credit recovery, individual training and counseling, employment and career workshops, and opportunities for real-life employment experiences with local employers in the community. For more information, click here.

Tina Bradley
Program Coordinator
Drug-Free Communities Grant
419-354-9010 Ext. 174
For Eastwood, North Baltimore, and Northwood School Districts: The Early Childhood Education (ECE) grant provides low-cost, high-quality early learning services to eligible children, and promotes academic achievement. To learn more about the ECE Grant Preschool, please click here or you can download the ECE Grant Application and return it along with the Pre-Registration Form.
Children must meet age and income eligibility requirements: Children must be at least 3 years of age but not age-eligible for kindergarten. Family income must fall at or below 200% of the federal poverty level. To learn if your family is eligible for this low-cost, high-quality preschool program, please contact WCESC at or 419-354-9010.
If your child doesn't meet the age/income requirement, please scroll up to learn about our non-grant preschool options.

Students from Northwood, Lake, Genoa, Eastwood, and Rossford in the WCESC Life Skills Classroom at Northwood and Lake got together to present a Science Fair to each other.
How Do We Do It:
We provide multiple programs that support student growth and learning, including STARS, Canine Crew, Tiger Academy, Summer Academy, Summer STARS, Maumee MaKERS, Homework Clubs and much much more! Our students have the best in academic intervention available, including access to our evidence based literacy and math computer intervention program SuccessMaker, homework help, district collaboration, and our positive youth development programming, PAX. Students participate in Discovery Zones, a digital, themed curriculum that incorporates all after school programming components, including academics/homework, social emotional learning, mindfulness, technology, physical activity, and parent components, all written to state standards and include differentiation with focus on:
- Arts
- Cultural Studies / Global Learning
- Health & Safety
- Technology
- Math / Problem Solving
- Motor Skills
- Reading / Writing
- Science
- Service Projects/Learning & Character Building
SBIRT Training
The Screening, Brief Intervention and Referral for Treatment (SBIRT) program is designed to reduce morbidity and mortality of alcohol and other drug use through early intervention and the integration of medical and behavioral health approaches.
Wood County Teen Institute "Shufflein'" PSA
This is a public service announcement created by the Wood County Teen Institute members regarding prescription drug abuse. It was entered into the Ohio Department of Alcohol and Drug Addiction Services (ODADAS) contest in the fall of 2011. While this video did not win, it did gain a lot of support, and the students learned about public service announcements and leadership.
Bullying Prevention
The following resources will help students, parents, teachers and administrators deal with bullying:
- America Learns
- American Psychological Association
- Anti-Defamation League
- Bully Beware
- Bully Bust
- The Bully Project - Companion site for the documentary film "Bully"
- Bullying. No Way!
- BullyingUK
- Challenge Day
- Committee for Children - Steps to Respect
- Common Sense Media
- Cyberbullying Research Center
- Developmental Studies Center
- Documatica - Record and report incidents of bullying
- Education World Bullying Lesson Plans
- Embrace Civility in the Digital Age
- Facing History and Ourselves - Fighting prejudice, nurturing democracy
- Gay Lesbian and Straight Education Network
- Girl Talk
- Harsssment-Free Hallways
- Human Rights Campaign
- Jim Wright - Bully Booklet
- Kids Health
- Kid Power
- Lions Quest
- Make a Difference for Kids
- National Center for Learning Disabilities
- National School Climate Center
- NetSmartz
- New Jersey Department of Education Model Policy
- No Kidding, Me Too!
- Not in Our Town
- PACER's National Bullying Prevention Center
- Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays
- Partners Against Hate
- Positive Parenting Solutions
- Promote and Sustain Positive Relationships
- Responsive Classrooms
- Roots of Empathy
- Safe Supportive Schools
- Special Needs for Parents
- Stand for the Silent
- Teaching Tolerance
- United Federation of Teachers
- U.S. Office for Civil Rights
- Welcoming Schools
In The Community

Joe Long, Board Member & Legislative Liaison Representative
Joe Long was born and raised in Wood County. Other than the time he spent serving his country, he has lived his entire life in Northwest Ohio.
Working his way through college, he experienced various work experiences and continued to help on the family farm. He worked at Campbell Soups, LOF, in building construction, as a custodian, and delivered furniture for a Toledo department store.
Joe’s wife, Lynne, teaches piano and has performed at various venues in Northwest Ohio. They have two adult children and two grandchildren.
Joe is also a small business owner.
Joe holds degrees from The Defiance College, Bowling Green State University, and the University of Toledo.
He has taught classes ranging from junior high industrial education to college-level social science. He served as a school superintendent for over twenty years and utilized the services of the Wood County Educational Service Center during that time. This experience as a consumer of the WCESC’s programs and services allowed him to experience first-hand how the WCESC can positively impact students’ lives.
- Recipient of the Outstanding Leadership Award presented by the Ohio Educational Service Center Association
- Recipient of the Buckeye Association of School Administrators Exemplary Educational Leadership Award
- Testified on behalf of the Wood County Educational Service Center in Washington, D.C.
- Jennings Scholar
- Former president of the Wood County Park District Governing Board
- Past president of the Wood County Committee on Aging Governing Board
- President of Friends of Wood County Committee on Aging
- Former church board president
- Served as a 4-H club advisor and athletic coach
- Honorary FFA degree recipient
- Member of Ohio Retired Teachers’ Association, American Legion, Wood County Historical Society, and local arts council
Parents Who Host Lose the Most
This is the Parents Who Host Lose The Most cinema advertisement that was shown in the movie cinema at Levis Commons in Perrysburg, Ohio from November 2, 2010 until fall, 2011. The advertisement was created by Screenvision for the Wood County Educational Service Center in Ohio.
Expect Respect
You have a right to be respected in a dating relationship. You have a right to speak. You have a right to be heard. You have a right to say no.
If you are being disrespected or feel controlled by the person you are dating, you are not alone., and we are here to help you.
We offer the Expect Respect class in all high schools in Wood County. We also offer support groups upon request. If you need support, and would like to talk about your dating relationship, please contact Rebecca Wachter-Parker at, or 419-308-9096.

Expect Respect
Expect Respect is a comprehensive prevention program designed to raise awareness of dating violence, teach skills for healthy relationships, develop youth leadership, and increase safety and respect on school campuses.
FASTRAC (Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Education)
FASTRAC is an education program offered to junior high and high school students to increase their knowledge of the risks and effects of alcohol consumption on a fetus during pregnancy.
Gambling Prevention
Help students learn that squares, scratch-off tickets, March Madness, and even apps on their phone and computers are forms of gambling. Help students understand the risks involved in gambling and delay the onset of wise gambling practices.
Grandparents Raising Grandchildren
G.R.G. meets in a casual and welcoming environment, offering education and support to grandparents who are raising grandchildren. Grandparents have the opportunity to meet other caregivers, develop a network of support, and receive information about resources and services available. For more information, click here.
Hooked on Fishing, Not On Drugs
"Hooked On Fishing, Not On Drugs" is a registered program of the Future Fisherman Foundation, which was started after a young man wrote a letter about how fishing had kept him from becoming involved with drugs. Research has shown that family recreational activities are a key protective factor for our youth. Youth in Wood County have been involved in the "Hooked On Fishing, Not On Drugs" program for many years. Youth receive in-class training as well as real life experience of going on a fishing outing with peers and family members that can attend.
Insight is a program for teens that are in some kind of trouble because of alcohol, marijuana or other drug use. Through interactive group meetings, teens look at their drug use, consider the consequences of their use, and make a decision about continued use. Participants learn how mood-altering substances affect their mental and physical health and the social consequences of their drug use. For grades 6-12.
Juvenile Detention Center lessons
We offer juvenile detention center programming covering the following 12 topics: Self-Concept; Values vs. Consequences of Risky Behaviors; Personal Harm Connected with Alcohol Use; Decision Making and Problem Solving; Communication and Assertiveness Skills; Personal Harm Connected with Binge Drinking; Anger Management and Conflict Resolution; Stress Management; Personal Harm Connected with Marijuana Use; Personal Responsibility; Goal Setting and Future Planning; Understanding Alcoholism and Drug Dependence; Stereotypes and Prejudice; and Cultural Diversity and Tolerance. General prevention programming extends during the summer to offer prevention through art and Teen Intervene.

Sarah Nidiffer
Family and Community Partnership Liaison
Question Persuade Refer Training
Just as people trained in CPR and the Heimlich Maneuver help save thousands of lives each year, people trained in QPR learn how to recognize the warning signs of a suicide crisis and how to question, persuade, and refer someone to help. As a QPR-trained Gatekeeper you will learn to:
- Recognize the warning signs of suicide
- Know how to offer hope
- Know how to get help and save a life
Parents Who Host Lose The Most
The Wood County Educational Service Center in Bowling Green, Ohio created this video to spread awareness about underage drinking. It is illegal in Ohio for parents to hose parties where underage individuals are drinking alcohol. Parents caught hosting these types of parties could be sentenced to jail time; ordered to pay fines; or could be at risk to lose their homes, cars, and even their children.

Drug disposal
Find medication drop-off locations or learn about the free Deterra disposal system here.

Judith Hines, Board Member & Student Achievement Liaison
Judith Hines was born in Henry County. Graduated from Liberty Center High school, and moved to Wood County in 1960 with her husband Maurice and two children. Judith was a housewife, a mother and worked on their family farm for several years. She attended business programs at Stautenburg College for two years. In 1974 she worked for USDA, ASCS office in Bowling Green and retired after 40 years. Judith has always worked with and raised children with physical and learning disabilities. She became a member of the Wood County ARC in 1974 and was very involved in their Academic and Outreach programs. She attended several State and National conferences to learn how to further education for children with disabilities. Judith has always been very interested in helping any person to improve their education and skills to achieve the best quality of life possible. Judith has been serving the WCESC since August 2014.

Thanks to Mark Galloway, from Steve’s Sport & Cut, in Toledo for providing Wood County Academy students the opportunity for new haircuts on campus.

keepin' it REAL
keepin’ it REAL (kiR) is a scientifically proven, effective substance use prevention and social and emotional competency enhancing program designed to focus on the competencies linked to preventing substance use and abuse. Featured as a cost-effective and powerful program by the U.S. Surgeon General in 2016, this program is based on the real stories of young adolescents and program videos serve to providing social modeling of effective strategies. Youth have opportunities to create their own media as part of the program. There are three versions of the program: multicultural, rural, and Spanish. The lessons are designed to promote interaction among the students as well as between the students and teachers, so that students are involved in their own learning. Students also learn how to assess risk, value their perceptions and feelings, and communicate effectively.
Lifelines is a program available for 5th-12th grade students that includes three levels of age-appropriate programming for the different developmental stages. Sessions focus on dispelling myths about suicide and mental health, how to help your friend with their mental health needs, and identifying trusted adults, as well as information about self-care and support systems.

Greg Van Vorhis
Administrative Assistant

Our opiate awareness billboard for 2018/2019.

The LifeSkills Training program is an interactive skills-based program designed to help adolescents navigate the challenges of high school years and prepare them for the independence and responsibilities that they will encounter as young adults. The program helps students achieve competency in the skills that have been found to reduce and prevent substance abuse and violence.
Our Prevention Staff

Our vaping awareness billboard for 2018/2019.

Emma Gray
Diversion Screener

The New Cool
The New Cool is a media campaign designed to reach students and parents in schools and in the communities throughout Wood County. The message is simple and clear: There are many activities that you can do that do not involve alcohol. What's your cool?

Parent Project
This multi-week evening course is a parent training program designed for parents of adolescents who act out (those often referred to with the labels of oppositional defiant, or conduct disorder). Topics include reducing family conflict and arguing, improving school performance and attendance, identifying and intervening with alcohol and other drug abuse, interceding with negative peer associations (including inappropriate dating relationships up to and including gang involvement) and helping parents to set effective applicable limits.

Suzanne Eames
Family and Community Liaison Assistant

Our vaping awareness billboard for 2020/2021.

Emma Landals
Bowling Green
MS: 419-354-0200, ext. 2213
HS: 419-354-0100, ext. 1310

Signs of an Overdose brochure

Hannah Madaras

PAX Good Behavior Game
The PAX Good Behavior Game teaches students self-regulation, self-control, and self-management in context of collaborating with others for peace, productivity, health and happiness. PAX is not a classroom management program, but it makes managing classrooms a breeze. PAX GBG is the combined science from PeaceBuilders, Good Behavior Game & other studies.
Problem ID and Referral
Students who are believed to struggle with alcohol, tobacco and other drug issues, and/or social-emotional issues can be referred to the district’s Prevention Education Specialist. The Prevention Education Specialist meets with students one-on-one to provide several educational sessions. If further intervention is needed, the student will be referred to counseling for treatment.
Publications From Other Organizations

Annie Pilmore
Elmwood and North Baltimore
Elmwood: 419-655-2583, ext. 378
North Baltimore: 419-257-3464, ext. 1212

Red Ribbon
The Red Ribbon Campaign is a national campaign. During Red Ribbon Week, students wear their red badges proudly and have the courage to say no to drugs.
Safe Dates
The Safe Dates curriculum educates youth and adolescents on how to identify and prevent dating violence.

Bill Hamilton
419 - 205-7312

Teen Institute/Junior Teen Institute
The youth-led Teen Institute groups exist to train, mobilize and empower youth to prevent the illegal use of alcohol, tobacco, other drugs and other possible self-destructive behaviors in themselves and their peers. Throughout the year, we offer several events and activities for our Teen Institute members to learn and practice leadership roles, as well as participation at Ohio Teen Institute. Our main event of the year is attendance at the We Are the Majority Youth Rally in Columbus

Courtney Iler-Bailey
PATHE Center, Juvenile Detention Center

Why Try
The Why Try Program builds resilience in the workplace, at school and at home. It combines a series of ten visual analogies with multimedia and physical activities to teach students social and emotional skills. The program helps youth of every learning type deal with life's daily pressures.
Youth Mental Health First Aid
Youth Mental Health First Aid is designed to teach parents, family members, caregivers, teachers, school staff, peers, neighbors, health and human services workers, and other caring citizens how to help an adolescent (age 12-18) who is experiencing a mental health or addictions challenge or is in crisis. Youth Mental Health First Aid is primarily designed for adults who regularly interact with young people. The course introduces common mental health challenges for youth, reviews typical adolescent development, and teaches a 5-step action plan for how to help young people in both crisis and non-crisis situations. Topics covered include anxiety, depression, substance use, disorders in which psychosis may occur, disruptive behavior disorders (including AD/HD), and eating disorders.

Scott Mitchell
Penta Career Center
419-666-1120 ext. 6384
Other programs:
- Compliance Checks
- We work with local law enforcement to make sure local businesses are following laws regarding underage sales.
- Community Engagement Meetings
- These meetings include dialogue nights, public speakers, awareness walks, panel discussions and many other formats. These events are designed to educate, discuss, and explore potential solutions to a variety of issues facing students and residents.

Kyle Crocker
419 - 874- 3171

Michelle Von Lehmden

Jane Lingenfelder
B.A.B.E.S. Teacher, PAX Partner