
Students of the Month

February 24, 2022  |  Student of the month
Bowling Green Students

Congratulations to the Students of the Month for December, January & February:

Bowling Green Students:

Jacob Jicha - December

Mallory Miller - January

Prachi Patel - February 

Eastwood Students: 

Audrey Sanberg - December (Not Pictured)

Kalee Moore - January (Not Pictured)

Adelia Young - February ( Not Pictured)

Elmwood Students:

William Sorenson - December (Not Pictured)

Madelyn Davis - January (Not Pictured)

Mason Crum - February (Not Pictured)

Desiree Smoot - February

Lake Students:

Ava Ayers - December (Not Pictured)

Isabelle Green - January (Not Pictured)

Desiree Smooth - February 

North Baltimore Students:

Daltin Oberley - December (Not Pictured)

Olivia Matthes - January (Not Pictured)

Lucy Trout - February (Not Pictured)

Ocox - December
Olivia Cox - December

Northwood Students:

Olivia Cox - December

Kyle Wagner - January (Not Pictured)

Dustin Ashton - February (Not Pictured)

mvollmar - dec
Megan Vollmar - December

Otsego Students:

Megan Vollmar - December

Micah May - January (Not Pictured) 

JGetzinger - Feb
Job Getzinger - February

Penta Students:

Alexia Longoria - December (Not Pictured)

Griffin Carlson - January (Not Pictured)

Job Getzinger - February 


PB Students
Perrysburg Students

Perrysburg Students:

Karen Li - December

Alexandra O'Connell - January 

Anna Luscombe - February 


kunderwood - December
Kyrah Underwood - December

Rossford Students:

Kyrah Underwood - December

Izabelle Hernandez - January (Not Pictured)

Clare Logan - February (Not Pictured)

Cfausey - dec-feb
Cole Fausey - Dec-Feb

Wood Lane Student:

Cole Fausey - Dec-Feb