JRC Shops for Salvation Army's Toys for Tots Christmas Program
JRC's shopping trip on Friday was a success. Bikes were assembled when we got back to JRC. Five students and five staff went to both Meijer and Walmart. All of the toys will be delivered to the Salvation Army for the Toys for Tots Christmas Program. The students donated "points" that they earned to buy snowmen. These points were then financially backed by the WCESC teachers at JRC, the JRC staff and administration. Over $1,200 was raised. Meijer in Bowling Green offered a 10% discount on our purchases. The Walmart manager found us in the toy aisle, asked where we were from and the purpose of the trip and donated a $50 gift card. Cheryl Grote, WCESC / JRC teacher organized this event and could have been the big winner on the Price is Right, coming within .82 cents of spending all of the donations. Thanks to Mr. Montana Crawford, Director at JRC for facilitating this project.